Is Jesus the predicted messiah?

Is Jesus Christ the predicted Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures?


Recommended Resources

1.) Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus Vol. #1-3. Michael L. Brown

2.) The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Alfred Edersheim

3.) All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible. Herbert Lockyer

4.) Rays of Messiah’s Glory: Christ in the Old Testament. David Baron

5.) Christian Evidences for the Jewish People. A. Lukyn Williams

6.) The Messiah in the Old Testament. Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

7.) What the Bible teaches about the Promised Messiah. James E. Smith.

8.) Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy. J. Barton Payne

9.) The Prophecies of Isaiah Vol. 1. Franz Delitzsch

10.) Christology of the Old Testament. E.W. Hengstenberg